Use case
On/Off Valve Reduced Wiring System
Drastically reduced system design and system startup time and manpower.
System Configuration
DCS (Distributed Control System) control stations and PLCs are connected via an inter-controller network. Deployment of CC-Link via PLCs allows solenoid valves and digital input units to be connected on CC-Link.
- Solenoid valve storage panel interior
- On/Off valve on-site installation status
- Simplified power circuitry.
- Solenoid valve circuit buffer relays and terminal blocks are not required, with 8 consecutive block type solenoid valves used to simplify power circuitry and decrease board size.
- Simplified wiring within the board.
- Autonomous I/F boards are not required as the component count is less, drastically reducing board wiring.
- Reduced wiring construction costs.
- The DCS and solenoid valve storage panel are connected via a transmission cable bus, achieving large cost benefits in terms of on-site wiring work.
Source: Oji Engineering Co., Ltd.
- CC-Link Partner Association (CLPA)
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