Use case
Multi-Model Compatible Chip Mounter
Introduction of CC-Link has allowed reduced wiring and more compact machines.
System Configuration
Chip mounters are required to be compact, operate with rapid processing time, and support multiple models of chip components. The number of machinery controllers for the chip removal cylinder related parts required to support multiple models of chip components is increasing, dramatically increasing the wiring necessary and thus making it difficult to achieve a compact machine. Furthermore, high-speed machine operation requires rapid IO device response time for compatibility with multiple models of chip components.
- Reduce wiring and make the machine more compact.
- Introduction of CC-Link as the wiring for the chip removal cylinder drive has allowed reduced wiring and realized miniaturization of the machine.
- A system with rapid response time.
- Rapid IO response time is achieved with the 10Mbps transmission clock.
- Standardized supported components.
- Using network wiring achieved standardization for compatibility with multiple-model chip components.
Source: CLPA Advisor Nishikido
- CC-Link Partner Association (CLPA)
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