When products are made compatible with CC-Link IE TSN… This not only ensures the system flexibility unique to multi-vendor products, but also provides an opportunity for the competitive strength of the product to reach the global level.
In order to speedily and reliably develop CC-Link IE TSN compatible products, Mitsubishi Electric provides support in all aspects, including providing development tools.
Developable Stations / Certification Classes
Development Method
Designated communication LSI for Master/Local station CP610
This is a communication LSI that allows to develop devices that perform cyclic transmission or transient transmission without being aware of the protocol. The CP610 is controlled by software.
CC-Link IE TSN Master Station Software Development Kit
SW1DTD-GNSDK1M (the source code bundled version)
SW1DTD-GNSDK2M (the Library veersion)
A method for developing a master station using a software protocol stack.
CC-Link IE TSN compatible devices can be developed without changing the hardware of devices compatible with general-purpose Ethernet.
Features and benefits of development methods
Designated communication LSI for Master/Local stations CP610
You can develop a CC-Link IE TSN Master Station/Local Station without having to implement the protocol.
Available sample code can be customized according to the customer’s hardware specifications and applications.
Freely selectable MPU and OS.
Can use the CC-Link IE TSN configuration tool included in the source code development kit to set parameters and diagnose the CC-Link IE TSN Master Station/Local Station.
Source code development kit: A software package for developing a CC-Link IE TSN Master Station / Local Station. The source code kit can be downloaded from the Mitsubishi Electric FA site.
There is also a device kit which is a set of CP610 and a Flash ROM with the source code.
- Block diagram
CC-Link IE TSN Master Station Software Development Kit
A software protocol that runs on a PC.
Regardless of high-performance PC or inexpensive PC, various systems can be constructed.CANopen® compliant API.
Customers who develop CANopen® compatible products can easily develop CC-Link IE TSN compatible devices.The source code bundled version can be customized by the customer.It can be expanded and ported to different development environments.In addition, the library version can build a system at a low cost.
List of communication specification
Software configuration
Developable Stations / Certification Classes
Development Method
Communication LSI with Built-in GbE-PHY for development of
CC-Link IE TSN Remote Station (CP620)
LSI that integrates an ASIC for CC-Link IE TSN communication, MPU and GbE-PHY.
It allows devices that perform cyclic transmission and transient transmission to be developed without having to implement the protocol.
CC-Link IE TSN Remote Station for Software Development Kit
(TCP/IP stack bundled version)
A method for developing remote stations using a software protocol stack.
It enables the development of CC-Link IE TSN compatible devices without changing the hardware of devices compatible with general-purpose Ethernet.
Features and benefits of development methods
Communication LSI CP620 with Built-in GbE-PHY for Remote Stations
GbE-PHY is integrated, making it easy to create pattern designs for communication circuits. In addition, there are only few parts and circuits around the CPU and GbE-PHY, allowing the developed substrate to be compact.
Sample codes are available that can be customized according to the hardware specifications and applications.
As it is equipped with a H/W-RTOS, CPU load and power consumption of the developed device can be reduced.
- Block diagram
CC-Link IE TSN Remote Station for Software Development Kit SW1DNC-GNSDK1S-M
Requires few resources for the operation of the software protocol stack, allowing it to be operated even with a microcomputer for lowcost devices.
Everything is provided as source code, and API and wrapper layers are included, making it easy to port to the customer’s development environment.
By using the log function, errors and processing status in the protocol stack can be traced during debugging.
- Recommended development environment
Contact Information
2-7-3, Marunouchi Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8310, Japan
<Mitsubishi Electric FA Website>
*Or contact your local CLPA office
- CC-Link Partner Association (CLPA)
Members Site